Train to the beat! STRONG 30™ is a 30-minute high intensity workout led by music to motivate you to crush your ultimate fitness goals. Wear comfortable workout clothes with sneakers and bring water! All equipment is provided.

Tuesdays 6:15-6:45 PM ET
Hampden Township Rec
Register for STRONG!

  • Comfortable workout clothes
  • Sneakers (or you can be barefoot).
  • Weightlifting gloves (optional)
  • Yoga mat (optional)
  • sweat towel (optional)
  • water bottle

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is STRONG?
A: Strong 30 is a fast-paced and intense workout that can include jumping jacks, burpees, pushups, lunges, etc, all done to the beat of the music.

Q: I don’t have a yoga mat. Do I need to buy one?
A: The mat is for your comfort during floor work.

Q: I have an injury/physical limitation. Can I still do this class? 
A: While there are plenty of options to modify the movements, this class is not for everyone Let me know what your concerns are and I will suggest modifications. Once you’ve seen the workout, you can discuss it with your doctor to decide if it’s safe for you. You will be asked to sign a waiver reminding you that you are participating at your own risk.

Q: I’m not coordinated…
A: The music used in a STRONG class has a strong beat and we use repetitive moves that are easy to follow. I will verbalize the moves throughout the class and demonstrate the proper form.

Q: Is everyone going to be young and skinny? I’m worried that I won’t fit in.
A: My FITNESS ROCKSTARS come in all shapes and sizes and ages! EVERYONE is welcome!